Sunday, September 27, 2009

FDR and Obama

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion has a post today basically contrasting FDR’s prosecution of the fight against Japan and Germany in World War II with Obama’s approach to the Iran situation.

While I agree with the basic premise, I do not necessarily agree that “FDR was a friend of ours[.]”

FDR did plenty of damage himself with similar domestic policies, extending and deepening a recession into a depression. What’s more, by following the approach that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” he caused the Cold War that followed World War II.

We should have just let Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union go at each other until we’d gotten strong enough to enter the war ourselves. Instead, we gave no end of material support to the Soviet Union even while they held Doolittle raiders as virtual prisoners of war for fear of opening a second front with the Japanese.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Impeach Obama

’Nuff said.

Go, Sarah, Go

I think I finally understand what Sarah Palin is doing.

Instead of campaigning, which is what Obama would be doing and (since he doesn’t know how to do anything else) in fact is doing, she’s actually out there acting presidential. Witness the statements on her Facebook page and her speech in Hong Kong.

Sarah Palin. She’s more presidential than Obama already. Who was it who won the election, exactly?

One Man's Opinion

If you want to teach your children songs praising Obama, go right ahead. Hell, if you want to teach your children songs praising Hitler, go right ahead.

Just don’t go teaching songs praising Obama to other people’s children on the taxpayer’s dime. Oh, that’s right—it's no different from all the songs children were taught to sing in praise of George W. Bush. Right.


I have new lyrics for this song:

Mmm…mmm…mmm…Impeach Barack Obama.
He’s said so many treasonous things, he acts as if he is the king.
Mmm…mmm…mmm…Impeach Barack Obama.
Etc., etc., etc.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Stop the Straw Man Arguments

Memo to BHO:

I'm not “anti-government”; I'm just anti-LEFTIST-government.

I'm not against “big changes”; I'm just against big SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST, FASCIST, LEFTIST changes.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Lunatic Fringe

Sure, there are going to be a few representatives of the lunatic fringe at conservative rallies; there are going to be a few representatives of the lunatic fringe in any large gathering—conservative or liberal.

But to paint everyone who attends a conservative rally with the broad brush of racism simply because there may be a few racists in the crowd is intellectually dishonest and disingenuous. It convinces only the weak-minded.

Grow up and face the truth. Most Americans do not like where the country is headed.

If you want socialism, move to Europe.

Who's Racist?

I'll tell you who’s racist—all the people who voted for Obama based solely on the color of his skin.

Well, congratulations. You elected the most petty, the most divisive, the most Leftist president this nation has ever seen.

Are you happy now? Actions have consequences. The damage Obama and his minions are causing will take decades to repair.

Just because I believe in American exceptionalism does not mean that I believe in the exceptionalism of all Americans. Some Americans are just losers. And sometimes the biggest losers get the biggest prize of all handed to them on a silver platter.

Thanks a lot.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thank You, Todd Beamer

You are a great American hero.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

In Memoriam to the 2998

This post is in memory of the 2974 Americans killed and the additional 24 Americans still listed as missing in the attacks of 9/11.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Further Illustration of the Political Spectrum

I wrote a post previously using the normal distribution to illustrate the political spectrum.

What I did not mention is that the distribution is generally seen as being centered on zero, where negative numbers correspond to the left wing while positive numbers correspond to the right wing.

In Jonah Goldberg’s book, Liberal Fascism, one reads how the myth of Fascism as a feature of the right was an attempt by Stalin to discredit Fascism as a competitor to Communism. If Fascism can be accurately characterized as right wing it is only in the sense that, once the political center has shifted far enough to the left, the right wing is still negative territory—it’s like saying that -40 is right of -50: it’s true enough, but they’re both left of zero.

Once that happens, the far right is anything in positive territory.