Monday, March 8, 2010

Perpetuating an Entitlement Mentality

I received a letter in the mail today from the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau telling me that my response to the census will “help [my] community get its fair share of government funds”, which is to say “its fair share of” the money the government confiscates from me anyway.

I thought the point of the census was to be able to determine representation, both at the State and Federal level, to ensure that my interests were adequately protected. I didn’t know it was so that the redistribution of tax dollars could be “fair”.

 Is it “fair” to distribute the money to all communities equally based on population percentages? Is it “fair” to distribute the money based on relative income levels, so that communities with higher income levels get less (or more?) government funds?

What’s “fair”, anyway, and who determines what’s “fair”?

“Those are my government funds and I’m entitled to get them.” Yeah, right. How about, “Those are my tax dollars and I’m entitled to keep them.”

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